Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vegetables varieties 2011

Wishful Acres will be growing the following vegetables in 2011:

-Salad Mix (Triple washed, bagged.  Ingredients will vary throughout the season)
-Lettuce (several varieties)
-Sugar Snap Peas
-Snow Peas
-Garlic Spinach
-New Zealand Spinach
-Walla Walla sweet onions
-Garlic (several varieties)
-Sugar Snap Peas
-Tomatoes (at least 20 varieties) 
-Green Beans (romano and regular)
-Yellow Wax Beans
-Sweet Corn
-Summer Squash & Zucchini (several varieties)
-Winter Squash (several varieties)
-Pumpkins (several types & colors)
-Indian Corn
-Broom Corn
-Peppers (Hot & Sweet, several varieties of each)
-Eggplant (several varieties)
-Swiss Chard
-Mustard Greens
-Asian Greens 
-Green Onions

If you are interested in our Certified Naturally Grown garden plants (tomato plants, pepper plants, and more), you may view the list for those on our farm blog here.  (Local sales only, sorry no shipping options available.)

If you are interested in purchasing from us, please send an email to wishfulacres@gmail.com or call Penny at 815-990-2380.